This opportunity provides technical assistance to National Network to Eliminate Disparities in Behavioral Health (NNED) members and minority-serving and under-resourced community-based organizations (CBOs).
After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Understand data terminologies
- Describe the difference between qualitative and quantitative data
- Identify appropriate usage of qualitative and quantitative methods
“Elevate CBOs” is an overarching policy-driven initiative at SAMHSA’s Office of Behavioral Health Equity (OBHE) to build capacity, increase the visibility, and highlight the unique role of CBOs serving under-resourced communities in behavioral health.
The event was also shared on Facebook Live at fb.com/nned.net and closed captioning was available through Zoom.
Please contact Perry Chan at the Office of Behavioral Health Equity, Perry.Chan@samhsa.hhs.gov if you have any questions.
Access the Recording and Materials:
- Watch the recording of the Data 101 Workshop
- View the slides from the Workshop (PDF)
- Learn more about the speaker, Marlon Daniel, MHA, MPH
Related Resources:
- Online courses with content around data science and analytics:
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Guidelines for Professionals from the Health and Human Services website
- The Program Manager’s Guide to Evaluation Second Edition provides guidelines for planning and implementing a program evaluation
Previous Elevate CBOs Webinars:
Date: 2022
yvonne misiaszek says
I meant to give comment about the Data 101 Workshop. It was very good.
A lot of the information “went over my head” but recognize that being familiar with research data is critical. I watched the presentation and reviewed the power point when it became available. I appreciate this opportunity to learn.
I look forward to more training. Thank you for considering your constituents in such a positive way.
yvonne misiaszek says
Excellent site. I may have found one or two small funding sources to assist us with our peacemaking circle program where we use local traditions and cultural practices to assist anyone asking for help and guidance to engage in a healing journey. We only offer an opportunity for individuals to heal by providing tools and if we know their family history, this adds to a new narrative for them. We have many successes, particularly in the abatement of alcohol misuse.