With the creation of the Affordable Care Act, nearly all low-income uninsured Latino adolescents and young adults are now eligible for medical benefits, however, millions still lack coverage. This webinar presents the common barriers, stigmas and challenges that may inhibit enrollment, and offers steps to overcome these barriers.
Con la creación de la nueva ley de cuidado de salud, muchos jóvenes latinos, adolescentes y jóvenes adultos latinos ahora son elegibles para beneficios médicos; sin embargo, todavía millones carecen de cobertura. Este seminario presentará las barreras comunes, los estigmas y retos que pueden inhibir la inscripción; y ofrecerá pasos para superar estas barreras.
Population of focus: Community based organizations, health clinics and hospitals working with Latino youth and young adults
Links to resource:
- Webinar recording in English
- Webinar recording En Espanol
- Slide handout in English (pdf)
- Slide handout En Espanol (pdf)
Date: 2013
Organization: The National Latino Behavioral Health Association and Urban Strategies LLC, on behalf of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration