NNEDLearn 2013 Participant: Vaughn Associates
Description: Faith Wellness Partnerships work in partnership with primarily African American and Latino churches and mosques located in the community. Mental Health professionals collaborate with clergy on health and wellness behavior change initiatives. The wellness programs have been successful in accomplishing:
- Depression and stress reduction workshops for congregations
- Health fairs with depression screening
- Training program for African American clergy in prevention and treatment services
- Increase in knowledge and awareness of members of faith-based community organizations
Population of focus: African American, Hispanic or Latino
Setting: Church, Faith-based
Level of focus: Individual, Community
Background: Faith-based partnerships provide an innovative and effective approach to reach a population that is disproportionately at risk. The church has the ability to mobilize the support of community members and effectively disseminate information.
Gretchen Chase Vaughn, PhD
Vaughn Associates