Objective: To deliver Latino-centered messages and information that is culturally appropriate using unobtrusive and educational methods.
Description: The Latino community faces stigma, fear and other barriers to seeking services. Promotores and other community stakeholders write a culturally and linguistically appropriate message and develop fotonovelas to provide information and education on health issues. They are distributed throughout the community, agricultural fields, and among clients and families.
Population of Focus: Hispanic or Latino, Adults, Transition aged, Children, Adolescents, Elderly, HIV/AIDS, Homeless, Immigrants, Incarcerated/Formerly incarcerated, Indigenous, Limited English Proficient, Migrant or Seasonal Workers, Sexual and gender minorities, Women
Setting: Promotores will work in work sites, often times in farms, fields, transportation pickup locations, and other farmworker environments. Also: Border area; Community center; Community health center; Emergency room/clinic; Faith-based organization; Home/housing; Hospital; Local; county or state department/office; Mental health clinic; Parks & recreation; Primary care facility; Residential facility; Rural and/or frontier; School; Substance abuse clinic; Workplace
Level of Intervention: County, City, Community, Family, Individual
Resources/Qualifications Needed: Promotores, funds to cover costs and technical assistance.This project was funded by the US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health.
Partners: State and federal agencies
Background: Campesinos Sin Fronteras (CSF) is a 501(C)3 non-profit, grassroots organization serving migrant & seasonal farm workers and other members of the low-income Hispanic community in Yuma County, Arizona. CSF is based on the promotora model of services to community residences. The history of CSF focused on meeting the needs of farmworkers and their families. The agency develops multiple partnerships to ensure an effective mastery of community resources and works with multiple partners including: faith based organizations, Head Start, Immigration Centers, FQHCS, Consumer Assistance Programs, and Hispanic Serving organizations.
Emma Torres
Executive Director
PO Box 423/201 Bingham, Arizona 85350